Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Two Easter Bunnies??

Easter rolled around which was exciting. I love Easter. It is not a huge holiday in my family but it is a lot of fun now to watch Nixxon see what the Easter Bunny brought her, that is if she has been a good girl.
I guess she was a good girl this year because the Easter Bunny left her with a floor full of Easter eggs, that were full of candy. Good to know mother gets to eat at least half of that candy right?? She also got a Doc McStuffins Bubble kit and holy cow she loved that! We still are playing with the things from that and it has been months. She also got some Littlest pet shops, little farm animals and a kit to dye some eggs with. Oh and even more candy!
We were able to play with most of her toys for a while every one got ready for church. Little did Nixxon know that the "Easter Bunny" had left what I felt like was a lot of crap for her the night before. I  At around 11:00 am the day before I got a text from Joe that said;
 "Hey the Easter Bunny left some presents for Nixxon with me can I give them to you tonight so she can have them in the morning?"
I replied "I've already got Easter Covered"
"He left some for you too can I give you yours?"
"No I don't need any"
"Okay. Sorry"
Okay I know I probably sound super harsh in our conversations but I had to. He honestly did not need to get me anything for Easter I found that SUPER weird, also my lawyer advised me to stay blunt and not to be friendly. After all we were in the middle of going to court it was not exactly the time to try and be my friend.
I left the rest of the Easter stuff in my garage along with the things he had given her for her birthday. I didn't want to take credit for giving those things to her and I was not going to attempt to explain where they came from even though she probably would not have known the difference. But it was not the best thing for her.
Easter was still a good day overall. We were pretty much left alone the rest of the day. We were able to enjoy it and play with the Doc McStuffins bubbles all after church. And eat our weight in candy. I was simply getting use to the fact every holiday was probably going to be like this and just to plan on random "crap" being left on my porch.

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