Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Creep Alert

Sometimes people do crazy things. Sometimes crazy people do things. Sometimes crazy people push past boundaries. Sometimes crazy people push those boundaries until someone gets mad. Sometimes I get mad when crazy people push the boundaries and do not use their common sense. Sometimes that crazy person is Joe.
In the midst of trying to get back together with me Joe pulled something that really irritated my family and myself. He was already being a pain to me with everything, but he took a new step and decided to step into my families boundaries. I kinda think he forgot that we were getting ready to take each other to court with a lot of the things he tried to pull on me. I tried to stay somewhat civil with him. I kept my responding texts short, blunt and to the point. I tried not to lead him on with things. I felt like minimal contact is what we needed, that is what lawyers are for. I was paying mine some pretty good money to handle this yet I was dealing with Joe and his little things that my lawyer really couldn't help with other than guide me on how to handle it. I simply just wanted to be left alone. It was a lot of stress on me and my family and getting texts and such really didn't help at all.
"Hey sorry to bug you but we're getting ready to start summer training for cross country and I was wondering if your sister(my youngest) would be interested. Also I'll be giving private lessons for track this summer. She should come out. She could be really good at track."
 "She is on drill and had it everyday on top of extra classes. She is only a dancer"
"That's okay just let her know please. If she is interested at all I can work around her schedule" 
I couldn't believe him. He had lectured me months ago that Nixxon could not dance and run competitively because each one trains their body to do different things, like dancers train their hips to turn out and runners shouldn't do that I guess? So why ask my sister to try running if she is totally focused on dancing and training really hard for drill team. PLUS the fact we are taking each other to court next month. Most people don't invite the opposing party to private lessons unless they have an alternative motive behind it? Kinda odd right? Well this is where it gets even more weird.
Within ten minutes I get a call from my little sister who is barely 15 years old. She is bawling. "Joe messaged me on facebook and I opened it to see what it said. He wants to give me private lessons for track and I don't even run." This little girl was pretty shook up. Even though there really was not a really dangerous threat of him hurting her through a private facebook message, he really creeped her out for doing that.  I had her screen shot the message, send it to me then block him, which we are not exactly sure how he became unblocked in the first place.
I was livid. I had just told him no. She was not interested but he decided to privately message a minor teenage girl, offer her "private lessons" and he is volunteering for the high school as a coach. No coaches/ teachers should not be offering private lessons especially in a private conversation. That is something you talk to the parents about. Not the child. I had had it.
"Please don't be contacting my family" I sent to him as I was shaking I was so upset.
"Sorry it's just an offer I've had parents ask me to give lessons and I'll coach anyone that is interested but sorry I'll leave you alone."
 "Well my family is the last people you to need to be contacting especially my 15 year old sister"
"I really didn't any offense sorry I'll leave you alone"
I didn't need to keep arguing with him but I was upset and my parents were extremely upset about a 20 year old man offering their 15 year old private lessons. His creep factor just sky rocketed in my book, and my family and friends. You just do not do that. And especially not in our situation.

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