Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chapter 26- showing up at my doorstep!?!

Ugh when will Joe just knock it off! Today was a special day. We celebrated the little princesses first birthday. At dinner with my family and bet friend, i got a text from Joe saying "what's up?" I told my family then continued to eat. Then my doorbell rang. My table went silent, we were not expecting anyone for a few more hours. I jumped up and looked out my front window to see who it was, I looked and I seen the same shoes that Joe would wear and the same style of pants. I ran into the kitchen and said " it's him, it's Joe." I sent my sisters into my room with the baby. Then he knocked again. I was scared, shaking, livid at this point. Finally I checked and he was gone.
Later that day I another knock came to the door, my dad checked and seen that it was our home teacher, so we answered. As he walked in I just happened to look at his shoes.... They were the ones I had seen earlier. We asked him if he had been over earlier and he said "ya I just wanted to drop off some cookies" ugh I was so embarrassed. We explained how we thought it was her dad so we didn't answer. He laughed and told us how he had heard us before he rang the doorbell but it got silent. He thought he had offended my family haha. So today we are safe :) a little embarrassed, but hey we got cookies :)


  1. I adore the snot out of you: my best friend in high school had a similar baby daddy situation. She has a beautiful, loving 6 year old son. I love him and her. She's one of the best moms around.

    1. Thank you! It so nice to know I'm not the only one out there with "sperm donor" drama :)
