Friday, September 14, 2012

Chapter 11:Welcome to the World Baby Girl!

I got into my room and it was a nice room. I had no idea anything that was going to happen other than the fact that I was going to be pushing a baby out of me in the next while. They put a monitor on my stomach, just to make sure this wasn't a false labor. Well, It wasn't, it was legit. They then put an IV into my wrist, like on the side which hurt like a son of a gun! Then we just kinda chilled for a little while. 
My mom and dad had been there from the get go. Then a few hours later my sisters showed up at about 4 am. Then my Grandma showed up at like 5 am. My contractions didn't really hurt that bad, and by about 5 am I had dilated to like a 9 so I was going pretty fast for a first timer.  My contractions got a little worse but I could handle it, they just were so close that I didn't have recovery time between them, but then the nurses came in and said that I was going so fast that if I wanted an epidural that I needed to get it then or I might not have a chance to. This was pretty much the only part of the whole labor that I actually cried. I was petrified of this large needle and tube going into my back. My mom sat with me and calmed me down. My sisters wanted to stay and see, but I knew this would scar them for life if they had to witness that large of a needle into me, so I wouldn't let them. 
When the anesthesiologist came, I did know him and I told him how freaked out I was about this. I think he could see how scared I was because I was still shaking so bad. And those shakes hurt pretty bad they were so violent.  Any who,  he said he would be as gentle as he could and would walk me through the whole thing. He numbed the skin, which wasn't bad at all then suddenly he was done.  I felt the tube go in my back but it didn't hurt at all I was totally shocked.    To me a flu shot hurt worse than an epidural did. 
Right after my epidural, my shaking stopped...well at least on the lower half of me, my arms still shook a little but that helped me to calm down and rest a little. The feeling of not feeling my legs was soooo weird. But I couldn't feel any pain so it was nice. 
The nurses kept coming in and checking me. I was going super fast. By about 7 am I had fully dilated. They said they would call the doctor and get him there. They came back in and said that he would be there within the hour. I waited and umm waited and you know waited a little more. It was like 9 before he got there. He came in and checked me out and was like oh your water hasn't broke we will wait for it to naturally break. So we waited..and waited and it like sorta broke but not very much. Then suddenly I had a lot of pressure and felt like I needed to push, we got the nurses and doctor in there, They said I was super close they just needed to break my water, so they did and it wasn't bad at all. Then they prepped everything and explain how this whole birthing thing was going to go on.
The doctor got going and said oh good we will have this baby here within the hour. I was so excited. But he lied it took almost 2 hours to get my baby here. First off her poor little head kept getting stuck on my pelvic bone and I kept passing out a little so I had to be put on oxygen after each contraction.  The doctor had been with me so long that he decided to take a break and leave for a minute but I kept pushing. The second he walked back into the door he just yelled "STOP!" ha I could feel the baby like 3 seconds away from being here so I was not stoping! He barely made it to the bed just to catch her. He didn't even have time to put his gloves on. 
Before I had time to comprehend that I just gave birth they handed her to me. She looked just as I expected but completely different all at the same time. She was beautiful. I cried the second they put her in my arms. I had never been in so much love. They took her over to check her out and they asked me about her name. I had 3 names on my list Autrie, Hudson, and Nixxon. I knew her name had to be Nixxon when I saw her. She was as unique as her name. 
She was healthy and perfect the only thing wrong was that she weighed a lot more than he had expected.. Nixxon was 6.7 Ibs, 19.75 inches long...which he was positive that she would be just above 5 Ibs and tiny... NOPE my baby was a big baby for my family. All my sisters and myself were tiny. I was 5.6my sister was 5.4 and my youngest was 5.2. Now I am 4'10 and normally like 83 Ibs so that big of a baby for me blew every one away. 
My family loved Nixxon from the start she was defiantly going to be spoiled from the minute they saw her :)

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