Monday, May 27, 2013

Chapter 31: My random rant of the night

Today while at work I had a lady sneak behind my counter and I thought she was throwing something away in our garbage can but then she leaned into me and well here is our conversation.
Her: Your really cute and all but your too skinny.
Me:I know im working on it.
Her: Are you eating? Are you taking care of yourself?
Me: yes I eat as much as I can
Her:your just too little
Me:I know I have a gluten allergy that im still trying to find food I can eat.
Her: well you just need to eat.
Me: (Trying to joke) well its all the running I do with that baby of mine.
Her:(realizing she probably had offended me) oh well maybe im just jealous.

It drives me crazy. I do know I'm extremely under weight. On my "fat days" I weigh maybe 90 ibs, and other days im anything under that. Im a 000 pant size to a size 1. I know I do. I wish I was more solid of a woman, I see things how skinny girls are not as pretty they are for boys not men,and they ars gross. Guess what I do take offense to that. Why is it okay to make fun of skinny people and criticise them but if you do the same to a larger person its bullying. I just am frustrated I guess. I just dont understand.

1 comment:

  1. People shouldn't say things about skinny people or fat ones. But our society has become bigger so we "defend" those of bigger size. I, myself, am doing Weight Watchers so I can feel better.
    As long as you are eating healthily, and hopefully the gluten free is helping, then you are fine. There are men who DO like petite and tiny. You will find one.
    Besides, you work a ton and take care of Nixxon. And young. Your metabolism is high. If you were 35 and only 90 lbs, then I'd worry. You are 19 and in good shape!

    Next time tell the lady to get out from behind the counter. Not allowed. Health food laws and all, ya know? Crazy lady. You're fine.
