Saturday, January 26, 2013

Chapter 13- let's just start a little drama now?

So a few weeks ago we had a little "Tiff" with Joes mom. We had gone to my little sisters volleyball game. We knew joes family would be there so we left Nix with my grandma. After the game we started to leave and I seen joes mom, Ann, start walking towards me so I turned the other way and under my breath said "oh shoot". She then walked to my mom and tapped her shoulder, my mom thought it was me and ignored it so she tapped her again so my mom turned around and see Ann to her is how it went down
Ann: so I hear you want to kick me!
My mom: Kick you?
A: ya someone told me that you want to kick me, so here I am here is your chance ( as she is waving her arms around)
Me: uh we were talking about hair extensions actually
M: uh, no we were talking about hair extensions, did you want some?
A: well no
M: k them bug off( and turns back around to tell my sisters we are going now)
Ann then grabs my moms arm and flips her back around.
A: we need to resolve this once and for all
M: resolve what?
A: the baby
Then my sister hops between them and yells stop she is ours not yours!
Ann then grabs my sisters hand and throws it down.
My sis: Don't you ever touch me again!
We then all start heading to the door to leave as Ann is chasing behind us screaming
Then Ann goes off about my due date being off by a month so a must be lying. My conception date was July 4 And my due date was march 26 and if you count 9 months on your fingers then it doesn't come up a month short but put it in online and at a doctors office and its exact. So I told her that then she goes off about how hard it is for joe to come home every weekend from school because everyone always asks about the baby and the church won't let him go on a mission and won't let him do anything because they don't trust him. So I got up close to her face And aid " don't you dare tell me he can't do anything in the church because he got to graduate from seminary and I did not get to because of your son so don't even start with that."
A: well uh everyone keeps saying you keep saying that he(which she keeps referring to Nixxon as a boy) looks just like joe, how would you know what joe looked like as a baby he was a toe head!
Me: it's not what he looked like as a baby it's what he looks like now.
Then goes off about its so hard and if Nixxon is joes then she wants to get to know her and have joe involved.
I got in her face and told her that she missed that boat. She had 18 Months to get involved and that I was going to find Nixxon a real father not one who runs away when it gets rough
She was nooooot happy about that, so then she started talking to my dad and my mom kept trying to talk but Ann kept putting her hand in my moms face and saying this doesn't concern you.
By this point I am LIVID ! First of all she is screaming at my family in a very public place second it is freezing out side third she is yelling at my parents so I got back in her face and told her "don't you dare talk to my parents that way, I am Nixxons mother not them, if you want something you go through me! She was upset and just walked off.
Since then I have been on lock down with Nixxon. No Facebook no Instagram, it's so hard hiding this beautiful little girl from the world. I know I am doing it for the right reasons but its still so hard.

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