Saturday, April 26, 2014

Since you have been waiting for an update ;)

Its been over a month since I have posted.  I wish I could tell you what happened after I got the letters from Nixxons biological father. Here is a short explanation of what has went on.
We had a court date for March 12 I believe.  Well soon after I found out about it I got a notification that the opposing party needed to push the date back more so then we were scheduled for April 23. While waiting for that, the opposing party got a court date before my court date...even though my notion had been filed weeks before his. Anyway Nixxons birthday was March 25 and guess what day the court date was for. In a later post I will tell you what happened in court. As it got closer to april 23 I got another notification that my date had been pushed back again to May 8. Well my family wouldnt be there for that one so now we are scheduled to appear in court on June 18.
I hope it doesnt change again. The court system is slow. I hate that we have had to push it back so many times and its frustrating.  Getting all prepared to go to court then get told you have to wait another month to go.
I wish I could give you more details of what is going on and has happened but a lot of it is being used as evidence in court and I just feel that the information probably shouldnt be on the internet for the world to read just yet. So keep us in your prayers for court not to change again haha.
Here is what I can tell you has happened since I last posted. Nixxon turned two! Other than spending the day in court it was a good day. We were with lots of family and since court got out pretty late we were able to go to dinner then go to a Nicklearcade and play games. Nixxon pretty much would only play one where you spray a water hose onto a fire. It was a pretty broken machine and stopped spraying water halfway through the game but she LOVED it. We couldnt get her off of it. We didn't win a million tickets but she had a blast and that is all that mattered to me.
We also had a birthday party a few days later. Can you geussw the theme? Fire fighter.  We decorated with lots of fun stuff. We had a lot of family and friends come to celebrate with us. She was so spoiled! Her favorite gift was from her best friend Molly. She gave her a fire fighter dress up kit. It had a helmet, a fire jacket, a megaphone, a badge, and a fire extinguisher. After she opened that she was done. She wouldnt open any more.  We ate "fire dogs" had lots of hot candy and the kids played on Nixxons fire truck she had gotten for Christmas.  It was such a fun day!
Nixxon is also getting the whole talking thing down.  She also is learning her colors,  letters and finally working on the potty training train wooot wooo! She is growing up so fast I can't believe it. She is really a little girl now and not my little baby she was always meant to be. This little girl thing is pretty fun though.  I cant wait for the new adventures in store as she gets older.
As for me, I decided to transfer to Utah State University and do there online criminal justice program. I also decided it was time to apply to new jobs. I applied for one for the city as the recreation department as an office aide.  I actually got an interview.  I was shocked.  I interviewed and ha I got the job. It was a huge cut in hours from 40 hours to 10 a week and a cut in pay, but I went for it. At first I wanted to try and work at subway and the city but my subway boss was not good at working me certain days and times even though it was a really easy change.  I got another interview for an assisted living as a CNA. I got that job also. I did a lot of praying and thinking and decided it was time to move on from the only job I had ever known and decided to give my two weeks at subway. 
That place was getting ridiculous. I was working weeks without a day off. I was always staying later than scheduled and everyone kept quitting and not showing up for shifts.  My boss was pretty rude about my religion and my lifestyle and I couldn't take it anymore.  So this Tuesday was my last day there. A few bosses had asked me to stay longer but I couldn't.  Just these few days of not working there has been a lot of stress taken off of me. Its great!  
My city job is a lot of fun. I am just a little office assistant and its great! My boss is a great guy and I am sure we will get along.
I will start at the assisted living as soon as they open it next month. I am super nervous about it because its been a while since I took my course and ive never worked as a cna before. But I am excited for the new experience.
Life is changing a lot and fast. Its been crazy but I think its going to be good. All I can do is keep praying to my Heavenly Father to help and guide me through out this crazy life. I know he knows all and knows best. I just hope I have enough faith to listen and do what needs to be done.
I hope soon I can give you some details and tell you more of what is going on but as for now this is whats going on with us. :)


  1. Good luck Myranda! I'm a single dad with custody, and though the challenges keep me up late at night, the rewards make it all worthwhile.

    1. Thank you! Being a single parent really is so hard but is so rewarding at the same time. I am really glad I get to experience the hardships that teach me and strengthen me more everyday!

    2. True, it has definitely strengthened me. I have an incredibly strong relationship with my son, I am his father, teacher, sports coach, chauffeur, chaperone (on play dates), and confidant. I have to admit that doing homework at 10PM with him on a school night isn't fun, but like any parent I want to see my son reach his full potential.

  2. Myranda! thank you for sharing your life story!! I am a single mom as well, and to hear that someone else is going through some of the same things as me helps me know I can get through this! I would love to talk to you more about your situation and learn how you have overcome everything.
