Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 had a different start to it

I thought I would just give you an update on how my last week has been for my family.
I was so excited for this Christmas. Nix was going to ve so much fun. I had to work on Christmas eve. I got a call from my dad saying the last guy that I dated well his amazing family had brought Nixxon a Christmas gift.  I was so happy. When I finally got home that day I randomly Checked my mailbox and noticed two letters in there one for me and one for my parents. I was so excited to see who it was from. As I got to the bottom of the page to see. The letters jumped off the page to me. It was Nixxons dad. He is home from his mission and admits that he was wrong and is sorry. He now wants to be a part of her life. After a week of thinKing and lots of prayers. I am meeting with him for the first time tomorrow to figure it all out.  Pray for me I am so scared and nervous.  I thought I would let you all know whats been going on.


  1. Hi there! I doubt you remember but I have posted to you before...I talked about how my mom was in your same situation but eventually met my awesome dad? It's cool if you don't remember! Anyways, I follow you on Instagram and I just love keeping tabs on your cute little girl! I want to warn about this really quick..while meeting with Nixxon's dad could be great for you and her, don't let him get wedged into your life. He doesn't matter. You're not going to marry him and you'll never be an eternal family. When my parents met, my dad jumped head first into his relationship with my mom because he knew that there was no other man in my life. He knew that if he married my mom that he would be my only dad and that there was no drama with any 'bio-dad.' And it worked out so well for a kid I was never confused by having 2 father daddy was my one and only! You totally don't have to take this advice at all, I just am in love with your baby and your story so I wanted to give you a snitch of advice :) good luck!!!!

  2. Luckily she hasnt met him yet. I know we will never ever get back together. I plan on letting them meet every once in a while. He is always going to be her biodad but that is all he is now. I dont even know if he will be called dad at all. I do think it is important that she does know who he is and will know where she came from because it is bound to happen living within a 5ish mile radius from each other and his family also. It will be up to her when she is older when she wants to see him and if she even wants to. I will regulate visits as I see fits. That is if he even wants anything to do with her now. I will give Nixxon a real dad who will adopt her as his own eventually as the time is right. Things would be different if it wasnt such a small town that every where you go you run into him or his family. I am pretty sure I am doing what is best for her. I have done lots of fasting and praying about it for a long time.
